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Musrara /Hadar Galron Drama | 2013

No One Dies in Vain /Shahar Pinkas Drama | 2013

PFFFFFF /Yaron Edelstein / Aharon Levin Black Comedy, Farce, Satire | 2013

Redemption /Hanoch Levin Drama | 2013

regarding the bird /Nitzan Cohen Monodrama, New Writing | 2013

The beloved /Uri Nitzan | 2013

The Hastening of the End /Motti Lerner Drama | 2013

Then, in Prague /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 2013

Shade /Shay Azoulay Absurd, Comic Drama, Short Play | 2012

Bat Yam /Roey Maliach-Reshef Musical Comedy | 2012

Sunrises /Daniel Zahavi Absurd, Drama, Poetic Drama, Thriller-Horror | 2012

Between Two Worlds /Sara von Schwarze Drama | 2012

Seven /Raanan Paz Psychological Drama | 2012

Horses on the Highway /Savyon Liebrecht Drama | 2012

Odepalit /Jason Danino Holt A-genre, Fantasy, Melodrama | 2012

Who’s there /Idan Silberstein Absurd, Drama, New Writing, Poetic Drama | 2012

Albert /Oded Liphshitz Comedy, Comic Drama | 2012

At Night’s End /Motti Lerner Drama | 2012

Elik’s Bicycle /Danielle Cohen Levy Drama | 2012

footage /Nitzan Cohen Drama, Poetic Drama | 2012

it’s cold inside /Roey Maliach-Reshef Absurd, Black Comedy, New Writing, Satire | 2012

Kigler His Life and Death /Oded Liphshitz Comic Drama, Drama | 2012

Sex, lies and promised land /Ilan Hatzor Comedy, Farce | 2012

Shozes & Bjijina /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 2012