Eli Haviv Playwright, screenwriter, director, actor, comedian

Contact: eMail

Benny Shemesh Levi, Kneller Artists Agency eMail

Eli Haviv graduated “Nissan Nativ Acting studio”.
Wrote and directed the play “What Really Matters” in the Incubator theater, as well as the plays “The Un-usefuls”, “Last Meal” and “War Tomorrow” at the Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival.
Screenwriter and director of the short film “The Cost Of Living”, screened in festivals around the world. Creator, screenwriter and lead actor on the TV series “The Psychopath”, and a Screenwriter on the TV satirical show “Once A Week With Tom Aharon”.
Haviv wrote the plays “War At Three”, Directed by Tzvika Fishzon at the Incubator theater, “Fine Print”, Directed by Jason Danino Holt at the Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival, and skits to the shows “Slaughtered Cow”, “Kalabat Shabbat” and “The Kitchenette” at the Incubator theater & Beit Avichai Jerusalem.
Acted in a variety of rolls in theatre such as “A Marriage proposal” (Incubator theater, Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov), “Henry V” (Hama’abada theater, Henry), “War At Three” (Incubator theater, Pulchinela) and as well acted in films and television, such as the films “Maktub” (Dir. Oded Raz), “Raines Girls” (Dir. Eldad Meler) and on the TV series “Shato Ein Carem” (Dir. Ofer Vaitzman), “Sara Stein” (Dir. Matthias Tiefenbacher), “The Psychopath” (Dir. Daniel Najenson) and more.



Plays are not catalogued yet

* Temporary display of non-catalogued plays

“The Un-usefuls” (Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival 2016)
“What Really Matters” (Incubator theater 2015)
“Last Meal” (Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival 2015)
“War Tomorrow” (Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival 2014)
“Fine Print” (Tel- Aviv Short Theatre Festival 2012)
“War At Three” (Incubator theater 2011) (co-writing with the playwright Orit Gal)
“Song Of The Dying lake” (Beit Avichai Jerusalem 2011) (co-writing with  Inabal Lori)