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Suspicious Incident /Noam Gil Absurd, Black Comedy, Comedy, Satire | 2017

Tel Aviv’s fault /Noa Shecther Comic Drama, New Writing, Short Play | 2017

The Ephemerals /Yaron Edelstein Fantasy, Poetic Drama, Tragedy | 2017

The old man and the cartoon /Itzik Aloni Drama, Tragedy | 2017

Idealizm /Yigael Sachs Thriller-Horror | 2016

Abutbul concern /Erez Majerantz Comedy | 2016

Zero tolerance /Roey Maliach-Reshef Comedy, Short Play | 2016

short and sweet /Daniel Botzer Comedy, Farce, Historical Play, Short Play, Thriller-Horror | 2016

Suspended /Maya Arad Yasur Drama | 2016

Good Morning Alz Heimer /Ron Guetta Drama, Psychological Drama | 2016

leechi and alma /Daniel Botzer Drama, Short Play | 2016

March of the living /Roey Maliach-Reshef Black Comedy, New Writing, Short Play | 2016

War Whores /Or Ben-Ezra Segal Absurd, Drama, Poetic Drama, Tragedy | 2016

on/ off /Daniel Botzer Comedy, Short Play | 2016

The audition /Roey Maliach-Reshef Black Comedy, Monodrama, Thriller-Horror | 2016

The Ineffable Name /Ron Guetta Drama, Monodrama | 2016

The Duchess and the Flowers /Ido Setter Drama, New Writing, Short Play, Thriller-Horror | 2016

the fall of tobi /Daniel Botzer Periodical Drama, Short Play | 2016

The revenge of the sunrise rooster /Roey Maliach-Reshef New Writing | 2016

After the War /Motti Lerner Psychological Drama | 2016

deep and soft /Daniel Botzer Absurd, Comedy, Short Play | 2016

The lover of mister mouse /Roey Maliach-Reshef Black Comedy, Comedy, New Writing, Short Play, Thriller-Horror | 2016

A kiss in the pocket /Yaara reshef Nahor children | 2016

A Tasting meal /Shlomo Moskovitz Comedy | 2016