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Benedictus /Motti Lerner Drama, Thriller-Horror | 2007

Denuded (Pchuta) /Miki Peleg Rothstein Drama, Monodrama | 2007

Disection /Uri Nitzan Short Play | 2007

Dolphins /Maya Scheye Drama | 2007

Goodbye, Africa /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 2007

Kol’s Last Call /Joshua Sobol Monodrama | 2007

Smiley /Eyal Weiser A-genre, Absurd, Black Comedy, Drama, Satire, Tragedy | 2007

Sonia and Bobeck /Oded Liphshitz Drama, Psychological Drama | 2007

Starring Eye /Gilad Evron Absurd, Drama, Experimental Theatre, Short Play | 2007

The court jesters /Uri Nitzan | 2007

The End of a Joke /Noam Gil Black Comedy, Farce, Satire | 2007

This Wild-Winged Sea /Yosef Bar-Yosef Drama | 2007

Thrill My Heart /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 2007

Apples from the Desert /Savyon Liebrecht Comedy | 2006

Working Class Hero /Joshua Sobol Drama | 2006

The Band /Anat Gov Musical | 2006

Café Arava /Goren Agmon Drama | 2006

Six short plays /Itzik Aloni Comic Drama, Short Play | 2006

Baby-Boom /Uri Nitzan Short Play | 2006

Kibbutz L.A /Hagit Rechavi Nikolayevsky Drama | 2006

The days of Adel /Uri Nitzan | 2006

the diaries /Oren Yaacobi Comic Drama | 2005

And the Rat Laughed /Nava Semel Drama, Fantasy, Poetic Drama | 2005

And Noting More /Eyal Weiser A-genre, Absurd, Satire, Satire Cabaret, Sketches | 2005