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Passion Killer /Hadar Galron Satire Cabaret | 2011

Sinners /Joshua Sobol Drama | 2011

The executer and the condemned to death /Efrat Steinlauf Absurd | 2011

The memory game /Noa Lazar Keinan Comedy | 2011

The Nizkor of the Mayor of Jerusalem /Yosef Bar-Yosef Drama | 2011

Ulysses on Bottles /Gilad Evron Drama | 2011

Dogs /Ido Bornstein Black Comedy, Comedy | 2010

Kochav yair /Shlomo Moskovitz Comic Drama | 2010

Rochaleh’s Wedding /Savyon Liebrecht Drama | 2010

One couple /Erez Drigues Comedy | 2010

Lady Twisted /Jason Danino Holt Drama | 2010

The Aunt of Menash /Ilan Hatzor Comedy, Satire | 2010

A Railway to Damascus /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama, Periodical Drama, Thriller-Horror | 2010

Diamond Stars /Maya Arad Yasur Drama | 2010

Hokey-Pokey /Eyal Weiser Absurd, Satire | 2010

Ikhsh Fisher /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 2010

live once /Eyal Nachmias Monodrama | 2010

Medicament /Maya Scheye Drama | 2010

Morris Shimel /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 2010

shall we dance /Yoav Bartel Experimental Theatre, Monodrama | 2010

Sigal /Shlomo Moskovitz Musical | 2010

They Say It Will Start in July /Danielle Cohen Levy Poetic Drama | 2010

Five KG Sugar /Gur Koren Comedy | 2009

Who knows Amos Heffer? /Tuvia Tsypin Drama | 2009