Horses on the Highway

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The play takes place in a rural house located close to a highway. A family lives there: Nina and Yoni, their daughter, a highschool student and their son who is a soldier in the Israeli army. In their youth Nina and Yirmiyahu, her husband’s brother were in love. They were wild young people who did crazy and dangerous things and at one point while they were cutting off trees, looking for old coins, the girl fainted. Believing that he has killed her, Yirmiyahu fled to Alaska. Twenty years later Yoni and Yirmiyahu’s father dies and Yirmiyahu comes from Alaska and discovers what really happened during the years that he was kept away.

The characters

Female:3 Male:3 Total:6

Nina – 37
Yoni – 43 – Nina’s husband
Yirmiyahu – 39 – Yoni’s brother
Idit – 17 – Yoni and Nina’s daughter
Ido – 19 – Yoni and Nina’s son
Yehudit – 70 – a neighbour and the lover of Yoni and Yirmiyahu’s father



2012 Beit Lessin Theatre director: Zipi Pinnes


Beit Lessin Theatre