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Flowers across the bridge + just a normal day /Itzik Aloni Comic Drama, Periodical Drama | 2005

get a life /Nitzan Cohen Absurd, Black Comedy, New Writing | 2005

Kol Nidrei /Joshua Sobol Comedy, Satire | 2005

Real Time /Joshua Sobol Drama | 2005

The Dreamer /Hanoch Levin Drama | 2005

The Janitors /Hanoch Levin Tragedy | 2005

The princess and the dwarf /Yoram Sachs Comedy, Fantasy, New Writing, Short Play | 2005

Thrill /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 2005

I’m Talking to You in Chinese /Savyon Liebrecht Poetic Drama | 2004

bodies and gentelmen /Ayelet Ron Absurd, Experimental Theatre, Fantasy, Poetic Drama | 2004

Mikveh /Hadar Galron Comic Drama, Psychological Drama | 2004

House Husband /Anat Gov Comedy | 2004

Lucas the Coward /Nissim Aloni Satire | 2004

Street Cat /Goren Agmon Drama | 2004

A child of my own /Hagit Rechavi Nikolayevsky Drama | 2004

Caesarea – a Weekend /Goren Agmon Comedy | 2004

good friends /Itzik Aloni Short Play | 2004

Oil City /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 2004

The Captives /Alma Ganihar Drama | 2004

4 short plays /Itzik Aloni Comedy, Comic Drama | 2003

Hard Love /Motti Lerner Drama | 2003

Hunger /Ido Bornstein Drama | 2003

iWitness /Joshua Sobol Drama | 2003

Master of the House /Shmuel Hasfari Comic Drama | 2003