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Sunrise /Ido Bornstein Comedy, Comic Drama | 2012

Sunrises /Daniel Zahavi Absurd, Drama | 2012

The black princess /Roey Maliach-Reshef Fantasy | 2012

The Journeys of Jonas /Oded Liphshitz children, Poetic Drama | 2012

the peacock of silwan /Alma Ganihar Drama | 2012

the promise land /Shay Pitowski New Writing | 2012

This is The Land /Eyal Weiser A-genre, Monodrama, Satire | 2012

Will the Two Walk Together /A. B. Yehoshua Drama, Historical Play, Periodical Drama | 2012

Heart /Jason Danino Holt Poetic Drama | 2011

the last sail /Daniel Botzer Black Comedy | 2011

Maxi and I /Hillel Mitelpunkt Satire | 2011

Free People /Inna Eizenberg Fantasy | 2011

Wall of glass /Oren Yaacobi Black Comedy, Comic Drama, New Writing | 2011

The Tenant Haimovitz /Ariel Bronz A Circus Spectacle, Absurd, Black Comedy, Comedy, Fantasy, Farce, New Writing, Poetic Drama, Satire, Thriller-Horror | 2011

the donkey and the fatty /Sharon Alexander Comedy, Comic Drama | 2011

Happy Ending /Anat Gov Comedy, Fantasy, Musical | 2011

Used /Ron Guetta Drama | 2011

Perfect Husband /Joshua Sobol Satire | 2011

Ima-ma /Hadar Galron Comic Drama, Satire Cabaret | 2011

In The Dark /Motti Lerner Drama | 2011

Mein Jerusalem /Eyal Weiser A-genre, Performance | 2011

Mimuna /Hanna Azulai Hasfari  Drama | 2011

Nadav’s sister /Yaara reshef Nahor Monodrama | 2011

Or-Li /Ido Setter Monodrama | 2011