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Nystagmus is a current artistic
reaction to two exhibitions held by Hitler in Munich during 1937 – “The
Great German Art” and
     “The Degenerate
Art”. It’s an exclusive, first-time collaboration between the independent
SKR gallery and Munich Volkstheatre, aimed at exploring the potential
theatrical mechanisms imbued in the museum space and that were used by the
Nazis to instill their cultural doctrine.


Nine artists were commissioned
by the curator Anton Erlich to present their works in a collective exhibition
held inside the theatre space.


The audience was welcome to
first tour the display area and later to take part in the opening ceremony,
where some of the commissioned artists
 presented their performance
pieces, created specifically for this event.


Connecting Dots / Uriah

A sceno-graphic work that
examines the historical degeneration of both German and Israeli societies,
using historical documents of the artist’s personal biography.




Conversation with a Phantom – A
Site Specific Séance / Medium Sybille Maria Lang and Felicitas Lang

An endeavor to channel the
world of the dead and the entities from beyond that relies on real-time
questions from the audience.


My Cervix / Bruno Spatz with
actress Magdelena Weidenhopfer

A piece criticizing the
dictatorial taking over of interpretation on the art world.


Commercial Break / The Sturm

An installation based on the
products of popular culture that seeks to expose the psychological
manipulations inherent in modern propaganda.

The characters

Female:4 Male:5 Total:9




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