Voices (Kolot) /
Michal Blumenfeld Sagi
Drama Comedy for actors and a loudspeaker
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Existential Drama
Poetic Drama
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A guy and a girl stay in an empty room in a deserted building in London. Strange voices erupt from a loudspeaker hanging on the wall. The door is wide open. They want to get out. Why wouldn’t they leave the room? Towards the end, a third character appears, surprisingly changing the course of the play. Voices( Kolot) was first performed in Hasimta Theater in Jaffa on 30/05/14 and performed for 5 years , participating in various venues and festivals. The play was originally written in English and performed in a mix of English and Hebrew. The Hebrew – English version was published as an E- Book. Kolot was nominated for best play in the Israeli Fringe contest of 2015 as well as for the best actress and the best supporting actor.
The characters |
Female:1 Male:2 Total:3
Miry – 22 years old, Israeli Moty – 22 years old, Israeli Radek – 40 years old, Polish |
Productions |
Premierre2014 Hasimta Theatre director: Malka MarinProduction page
Critics |
Quotes |
(Moty and Miry are sitting on the bed. A sound of thunder followed by heavy rain is heard from the loudspeaker). Moty: Is it raining? It was sunny when I came in. Miry: I think it's coming from the loudspeaker. (Moty reaches for the loudspeaker.) Moty: What is it with this loudspeaker? Miry: Don’t touch it! Moty: Why not? Miry: I don’t know, something strange is going on. It might be a bomb. Moty: A bomb? Miry: Maybe those guys are terrorists. Moty (Laughing): Pretty and funny. That’s kind of rare. Miry: That’s kind of sexist to say. But you are right, I’m just being silly. (Pause) although they were kind of scary. (Moty goes back to the bed without touching the loudspeaker.) Moty: And they also had a weird accent. But, then, so do you. (Imitating her)I am who I am… Come on, why would any terrorists bother with us? Are you the daughter of an important minister? Miry: No. Moty: They don't know we are Israeli. We are just two young Europeans dreaming to make it with their art. There is nothing to be worried about. (From the loudspeaker a Jewish song: Hava Nagila) Miry: You hear that? They know we are Israelis! Moty: They’re not terrorists, this is some bad joke. Miry: So why are we speaking in English? Moty: What do you mean? Miry: When we found out we are Israeli, we both kept talking in English. Why? Moty: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Miry: I'm putting an end to this. Go and check if it’s safe to leave. Moty: Why me? Miry: Well you are (Pause) you are… Moty: A big, strong, well-built man? Miry: Well, a man. |