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The turtle /Itzik Aloni

The Wizard /Uri Paster Musical

Thoroughly Disgraced /Hanoch Levin Comedy

tight tracking /Itzik Aloni

To kill the tiger /Itzik Aloni

touching? hurtful! /Itzik Aloni

Treatment file number 2 /Itzik Aloni

Under the Skin /Yonatan Calderon Periodical Drama, Historical Play | 2013

Upside down queen of hearts /Shirly Baitel Nativ Short Play

vanity /Hagit Bodankin Absurd, Comic Drama, Poetic Drama, Short Play

walking towards the light /Itzik Aloni Drama, Tragedy

Welcome /Noam Gil Thriller-Horror, Satire, Black Comedy | 2022

When a guest does not come to dine /Itzik Aloni

Whispers beyond the door /Itzik Aloni

YAIRA and the lamenters /Itzik Aloni

You will not be a man /Guy Baumhaker Drama, Short Play

אי הילדים /Yaara reshef Nahor children, Drama | 2022

הרפתקה בחלל /Yaara reshef Nahor children, Short Play | 2021