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Scapegoat /Nissim Aloni Poetic Drama | 1973

Difficult People /Yosef Bar-Yosef Comedy, Comic Drama, Drama, Periodical Drama | 1973

Status Quo Vadis /Joshua Sobol Satire | 1973

Heffetz /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1972

Ya’akobi & Leidental /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1972

The Gypsies of Jaffa /Nissim Aloni Drama, Poetic Drama | 1971

The Days to Come /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1971

Napoleon Dead or Alive! /Nissim Aloni Absurd, Comedy | 1970

Queen Of Bathtub /Hanoch Levin Satire, Satire Cabaret | 1970

Ketchup /Hanoch Levin Satire | 1969

A Night in May /A. B. Yehoshua Drama | 1969

Aunt Liza /Nissim Aloni Drama, Melodrama | 1969

Crowned Head /Yaakov Shabtai Comedy | 1969

Solomon Grip /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1969

You, Me and the Next War /Hanoch Levin Satire | 1968

The Bride and the Butterfly Hunter /Nissim Aloni Comedy | 1967

The Chicken and the Revolution /Nissim Aloni | 1964

The American Princess /Nissim Aloni Drama, Poetic Drama | 1963

Tura /Yosef Bar-Yosef Drama | 1963

The Emperor’s Clothes /Nissim Aloni Drama, Poetic Drama, Satire | 1961

Most Cruel The King /Nissim Aloni Drama, Poetic Drama | 1953

… and it will be the day /Itzik Aloni

…And I also /Itzik Aloni

…And the train travels /Itzik Aloni