“Asymptotes” is a black comedy depicting the devastating manners in which global economy dictates our lives. The play takes place in a world (not too different from ours) where people’s life expectancy is determined by the amount of money they have in their bank accounts. In an ordinary visit to the bank, the CLERK tells… Read more
Plasticine prince is an original play by Raanan Paz. The play was inspired by the book “Jesse, Baleval-Chi” by the Dutch author, Harm de Jonga. A fantastic story about brave friendship formed between two kids during WWII. Roger, a Dutch-Christian boy, lives with his parents on the safe side of town, while Jesse a Jewish… Read more
Winner of Berliner TheaterTreffen Stückemarkt 2018 In a highly fragmented, multi-narrated structure, the play AMSTERDAM unfolds the course of 24 hours in the life of a 9 months pregnant Israeli violinist living in Amsterdam, the day she wakes up and finds an unpaid gas bill from 1944 on her doorstep. The multiple speakers accompany the absent character throughout… Read more