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The Sixteenth Lamb /Michael Gurevitch children, Musical | 1991

Solo for Spinoza /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1991

Underground /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1991

Hops and Hopla /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1991

Love to Death /Anat Gov Absurd, Black Comedy | 1991

The Hesitator /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1990

A Brief Trip Abroad /Shlomo Moskovitz Drama | 1990

Betulot ShIduch /Hanna Azulai Hasfari  Drama | 1990

Exile in Jerusaelm /Motti Lerner Drama, Poetic Drama | 1990

Masked /Ilan Hatzor Drama | 1990

Adam /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1989

The Gigolo from Congo /Hanoch Levin Comedy, Musical Comedy | 1989

The Labor of Life /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1989

Elka’s Gold /Yosef Bar-Yosef Drama | 1989

A Driver, A Painter /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 1988

Beaten and Defeated /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1988

Noyman – a soldier’s fairytale /Michael Gurevitch Comic Drama, Fantasy | 1988

The Jerusalem Syndrome /Joshua Sobol Periodical Drama | 1988

Pangs of the Messiah /Motti Lerner Drama | 1987

The Child behind the Eyes /Nava Semel Monodrama | 1987

Counting Backwards /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1986

Israeli Ubu /Joshua Sobol Satire | 1986

Yakish & Poupche /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1986

Everyone Wants to Live /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1985