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Village /Joshua Sobol Poetic Drama | 1996

Beheading /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1996

Autumn /Motti Lerner Drama, Psychological Drama | 1996

Bloody Nathan /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1996

The Mountain Does Not Move /Gilad Evron Drama, Historical Play, Periodical Drama | 1996

Mouth Open /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1995

Chametz /Shmuel Hasfari Comic Drama, Drama, Psychological Drama | 1995

“Heidi- the Bitch of the Mountains’ /Ayelet Ron A-genre, Black Comedy, Experimental Theatre, Poetic Drama | 1995

Pollard /Motti Lerner Drama | 1995

The Father /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1995

Eye to Eye /Joshua Sobol Absurd, Drama | 1994

Nice Tony /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1994

Schneider and Schuster /Joshua Sobol Absurd, Comedy | 1994

A Motorcycle Trip /Shlomo Moskovitz Drama | 1994

Love for a Penny (A Libe Far A Grashn) /Joshua Sobol Musical Comedy | 1994

The State Controller /Ilan Hatzor Comedy, Satire | 1994

The Wondrous Woman Within Us /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1994

Gorodish /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama, Tragedy | 1993

The Child Dreams /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1993

The Housemother /Hillel Mitelpunkt Drama | 1993

A and B /Joshua Sobol Absurd | 1992

In the Seventh Heaven /Yaakov Shabtai Satire Cabaret | 1992

Jehu /Gilad Evron Drama, Historical Play | 1992

Those Who Walk in the Darkness /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1992