Passing the Love of Women

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Religion and Faith

Text in:

he English

 A play inspired by “Two” a short story by Isaac
Bashevis Singer (written in collaboration with Israel Zamir) about two yeshiva
students in 19
th century Poland who discover that they are
homosexual. They run away from their town and find refuge in the big city of Lublin where they must live as husband and wife. 

The characters

Female:4 Male:6 Total:10

1. Yudl Kuznitzer – the rabbi of Frampol (50)
2. Elke – his wife (47)
3. Reyzele – Yudl and Elke’s daughter (17)
4. Ziesl – their son (19)
5. Azriel – a yeshiva student (21)
6. Esther’l – Ziesl’s wife (17)
7. Shmuel Isser – Her father (50)
8. Feybush – a Lublin merchant, Reyzele’s husband (30)
9. Alter – Ziesl and Azriel’s landlord in Lublin (50).
10. Frume – Alter’s wife (40)
11. Elkhonen – a wedding jester and beggar.


English, Spanish



2003 director: Hanan Snir


Habimah National Theatre

Productions Abroad

United States

 Theater J, Washington 2004, Directed by Daniel DeRaey  

Featured in the iSRA-DRaMA: International Exposure of Israeli Theatre 2020

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