Anda (Hillel Mitelpunkt)
Genre: Historical Play , Periodical Drama

Genre: Historical Play , Periodical Drama
Genre: Satire
Genre: Drama
Genre: Comic Drama
Ofer, a television director of about 40, is married to a lawyer and has two children. After hid mother’s death he discovers that she has disinherited him and left her entire estate to his sister. There is no letter explaining her behavior. His relations with his mother were good and there is no reason for… Read more
Genre: Drama
גליה, רופאה, מתמודדת מחדש עם אונס שחוותה לפני 20 שנה. האנס היה פרופסור צבי שור – שור נכנס לחייה שנית כאשר הוא מיועד לנהל מחלקה באותו בית חולים. במקביל מוצגת מערכת היחסים של גליה עם בנה תום, שרוצה להעיד במשפט אונס לטובת חבריו, המואשמים שאנסו בחורה. עוד נחשפת מערכת היחסים בינה לבין מוריס, מנהל בית… Read more
Genre: Comedy
Tammy, a 36 years old playwrite, is getting involved in a love affair with Jonathan, who is a General Security Service man. Tammy and her two friends, Maya and Dinna, are getting near the end of their thirties, and no sign of major love is to be seen. The new romance andermines the friendship of… Read more
Genre: Drama
Gaya, a young woman of 27, returns to Israel after staying away some 15 years. She searches and finds Gili, her father’s spouse. In addition she has to deal with the destruction of the kibbutz, which was the only home she knew. The two women meet in Café Arava – in the gas station run… Read more
Genre: Drama
The play tells the story of Alma, an idependant woman, who runs her own small publishing company. She brought up her two children alone, and when her daughter decides to become ultra-orthodox and disconnects from Alma, she feels that “religion” has stolen her daughter from her and seeks revenge. The opportunity comes when she receives… Read more
Genre: Comic Drama
Michal, a successful lawyer, a divorcee and a mother of two, remains alone after her two sons have left home. Michal finds a new love with Matti, a vet who fights for animal rights, and she sees a whole new life in front of her. When her son Omer returns unexpectedly, after visiting his father… Read more
Genre: Drama
Alona, a second generation of a pharmasists family, and the owner of Stern Bloom pharmacy, decides to take a break in midlife an go on a volunteer mission to Africa. Before she leaves, she presents the family house to her children, but this generous act of hers opens the domestic Pandora’s Box. Everything gets yet… Read more