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Kastner /Motti Lerner Drama, Historical Play | 1985

Kiddush /Shmuel Hasfari Drama | 1985

The Orchard /Yosef Bar-Yosef Comedy, Drama | 1985

The Palestinian Girl (Shooting Magda) /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1985

2 – 4 Tango /Joshua Sobol Comedy | 1984

Buchie /Yosef Bar-Yosef Drama | 1984

The Lost Women of Troy /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1984

Orpheus /Michael Gurevitch Drama | 1983

Suitcase Packers /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1983

An Old Woman /Nava Semel Monodrama | 1982

The Button /Yosef Bar-Yosef Comic Drama | 1982

The Great Whore of Babylon /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1982

The Patriot /Hanoch Levin Satire, Satire Cabaret | 1982

Weininger’s Night /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1982

Job’s Passion /Hanoch Levin Drama, Periodical Drama, Tragedy | 1981

Wars of the Jews /Joshua Sobol Historical Play | 1981

Last Striptease /Joshua Sobol/ Hillel Mitelpunkt Satire | 1980

The Last Worker /Joshua Sobol Fantasy | 1980

Eating /Yaakov Shabtai Satire | 1979

Execution /Hanoch Levin Drama | 1979

Holly Hole /Joshua Sobol/ Hillel Mitelpunkt Satire | 1979

Wooden Pole /Joshua Sobol/ Hillel Mitelpunkt Satire | 1979

The Rubber Merchants /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1978

A winter Funeral /Hanoch Levin Black Comedy, Comedy | 1978