קול קורא ליוצרי תיאטרון מישראל להשתתף בתחרות איטלקית בינלאומית
פרטים, ונהלים בהודעה הרשמית המצורפת ככתבה:
With the support of
Presidente della Repubblica
And the High Patronage of
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
1. International Prize The Naked Theatre Teresa Pomodoro
Spazio Teatro NO’HMA Teresa Pomodoro Association and the Township of Milan, with the high patronage of the President of the Republic and the support of the Ministry of Foreign affairs, foster the tenth edition of the International Prize The Naked Theatre Teresa Pomodoro.
The Naked Theatre is a theatre that breaks with the aestheticism, it’s human breath, in a scene that does not suffocate thought with tinsels and emotion. It’s a theater against the blackmail of abundance and ostentation; a theater which does not bend to the appearance, to the codes of a community, but it goes down naked in the meanings, exploring the human being and the society he has created, with a curious and disenchanted look.
The Prize is dedicated to the memory of Teresa Pomodoro, who first conceived and gave life to the idea of a theatre opened to all the artistic cross-overs. At Spazio Teatro NO’HMA, such contaminations ideally blend
into performances, events and encounters allowing the theatre to fill the gap between outsiders, making them protagonists on its stage. Thus, regaining its ethical function, it’s not just mimesis but first and foremost catharsis, according to the Aristotelian tradition.
Spazio Teatro NO’HMA Teresa Pomodoro Association has been operating in the social field since its foundation in 1994, through training labs, cultural and theatrical workshops, events, multimedia seminars and artistic, theatrical and musical performances. NO’HMA is an energetic cultural presence in Milan and in the world of theatrical research, thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of its languages, and its ability to ethical immersion. All these principles have inspired and shaped its history.
NO’HMA’s ambition is to discover all over the World what it means to represent issues normally excluded from the scene: the theater gives voice to marginalization, degradation, to the suburbs and the distance between individuals.
Taking inspiration from Teresa Pomodoro’s Metatheatre, the Prize intends to discover and promote experiences that express and sustain life, overcoming prejudice and cultural barriers. Inclusion means the welcome of others, through a theatre that goes beyond, searching the meaning of dignity, humanity, and values shared by everyone.
The objective of the new Prize is to help reveal and promote those forms of “theatre of inclusion” that bring theatre into the heart of society, giving back to the theatrical arts their value of experience and an opportunity for growth and sharing, opened to everybody, without any distinctions of age, social class, sex, culture or religion.
Theatrical performance can be thought of as the collective conscience, a way to enter into contact with the forgotten corners of our personalities, to reawaken the comprehension and the empathy toward the others.
This is the intention of the Prize: an invitation to throw light onto the shadowy corners of our soul, inhabited by indifference, egoism and banality, highlighting the beauty and momentous value of human experience. The Prize seeks to encourage an original form of theatre which uses various means of expression, and which is brought to life by tales of abandonment, suffering, racism and instability, but also by the re-emergence of social values, and of sensitivity placed at the service of others. It is a space in which to communicate with the situations at the edge of our field of vision, with men and women bereft of voice, but who are bound to us by shared aspirations and necessities, those most closely allied to our essence as human beings.
A form of theatre that can be considered as a meeting-point between human beings, and between languages and arts.
The Theatre of Inclusion is a challenge to immobility and to the status quo. It opens the door to new and fascinating themes and looks at antique in a new light so that it provides a stimulus for a new form of modernity, in which ethics could have a central role. It is an invitation to accept new languages, wherever they can be found, if they are at the service of man. This appeal will be extended through space, reaching both distant lands and familiar locations, in the discovery of artists who perceive this message and provide their own interpretation of its meaning, using the culture and traditions of their place of origin.
The tenth edition of the Prize will confirm its formula: it will be a real season that will cross, until June 2019, the Spazio Teatro NO’HMA Teresa Pomodoro’s programming. The selected shows will have each two performances, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The final choice will be made by two panels: A Panel of Spectators and a Panel of Experts.
2. Candidates for the Prize
The International Prize The Naked Theatre of Teresa Pomodoro is therefore intended for Italian, European and international productions and works. It is open to artists in all areas of expression, extending beyond traditional forms of theatre, comprising companies, theatres, associations and institutions, operating in the areas of culture, art, and other forms of experience. It invites the participation of performances and experiences that explore significant themes from a social point of view, but that are all too often ignored or forgotten. The assessment of the works entering the competition will include the consideration of the chosen methods of expression, the content, the processes activated, and the themes developed.
3. The Panel
In this edition Prize’s Panel will be composed by a Panel of Spectators and a Panel of Experts. The Panel of Spectator will be provided with the Passport of Culture, in which are listed the titles in competition. The viewer-juror must demonstrate to have attended at least two thirds of the performances in the competition and give their opinion on each play represented.
The Prize’s international Panel for the 2018/2019 edition is formed of figures from the world of culture, art and society: Lev Dodin (Artistic Director of Maly Teatr, St. Petersburg, Russia), Statis Livathinos (Artistic Director of National Theatre, Greece), Enzo Moscato (author and actor, Italy), Lluís Pasqual (director, Spain), Tadashi Suzuki (Director of Suzuki Company of Toga, Japan), the German director Peter Stein, the Lithuanian director Oskaras Koršunovas., Muriel Mayette-Holtz (Director of French Academy in Rome), Fadhel Jaïbi (Director of National Theatre, Tunisi), Gabor Tompa (Hungarian Theatre of Cluj).
President will be Livia Pomodoro.
An international network of contributors will support the Panel’s choices during the season.
The Jurors perform their work free of charge.
In the case that a member of the Panel is related to one or more members of the productions in the competition, the Juror shall abstain from voting, and the same approach shall be followed in the case of any form of conflict of interests.
4. How to participate
To gain access to the selections of the International Prize 2018/2019 edition, you must submit to Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro Via Andrea Orcagna 2 20131 Milan, the following material (that will not be returned):
– Presentation of the company / association
– Description of the project / proposed show
– Video of the show on DVD (3 copies, VOB format)
– Press, if available
– Summary sheet (attached at the end of this letter).
Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro will incur – for all the theatre companies that will be selected by the selection committee – travel, accomodation, meal costs and technical rider expenses.
5. The prize-giving ceremony
The Prize will be awarded to the winner during a ceremony, that will be held in November 2019, with a performance of the award-winning performances by the two Juries, which may also coincide.
The award-winning performances opens the new season of the Spazio Teatro NO’HMA.
The winner will receive a work created by an artist selected by the Prize Promoters.
For further information:
Spazio Teatro NO’HMA Teresa Pomodoro
Via Andrea Orcagna,2
20131 Milano
tel +39 02.45485085 / 02 26688369
[email protected]
[email protected]