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Homeward Angel /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1978

Tenants /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1978

Wedding Night /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1978

Yasha Goren /Yosef Bar-Yosef Comic Drama | 1978

Don Juan and his Friend Shipel /Yaakov Shabtai Comedy | 1977

Armageddon Show /Joshua Sobol Satire | 1977

Honey /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1977

manimamama /Joshua Sobol Absurd | 1977

Repentance /Joshua Sobol Satire | 1977

The Chosen /Yaakov Shabtai Historical Play, Satire | 1976

Ghetto /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1976

Nerves /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1976

Night of the 20th /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1976

Popper /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1976

Eddie King /Nissim Aloni Drama | 1975

Joker /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1975

Krum /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1975

Schitz /Hanoch Levin Comedy, Musical Comedy | 1975

The Life of Caligula /Yaakov Shabtai Historical Play, Satire | 1975

Trip with a child /Yosef Bar-Yosef Short Play | 1975

Wedding /Yosef Bar-Yosef Comic Drama | 1974

The Spotted Tiger /Yaakov Shabtai Absurd, Comedy | 1974

Young Varda’le /Hanoch Levin Comedy | 1974

Silvester 72 /Joshua Sobol Drama | 1974