God Waits at the Station (Maya Arad Yasur)
Genre: Drama
Genre: Drama
Genre: Drama
Hans Frank, who was the Nazi Governor of Poland, is executed for the second time by his son, Nicklas Frank.
Genre: Drama
A theater actor that was kidnapped by terrorists, mesmerizeד them by a monologue, and wipes them out.
Genre: Drama
An Austrian farmer refuses to serve in the Wehrmacht, which he sees as a criminal army. He pays by his life for his refusal.
Genre: Drama
A foreign nunny, who looks after an old man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, is struggling to stop the process of his degeneration.
Genre: Drama
A son in an exhausting nocturnal struggle to keep his suicidal father alive.
Genre: Drama
A man identifies the Nazi soldier that had murdered his grandfather and takes his revenge.
Genre: Drama
Love between a Palestinian girl and an Israeli man is born and then ruined in a violent reality.
Genre: Drama
A young woman is torn between her misserable marriage to a well-known genius and her carnal relations with her lovers.
Genre: Drama