Eurodram is a European theatre translation network covering European, Mediterranean and Central Asian languages. The network is organised into roughly 30 language-based committees.
Eurodram’s main objective is promote contemporary plays from across the wider European area to theatre professionals and theatre audiences.
The plays are selected through two biennial competitions
The Eurodram Hebrew committee selected three plays for 2018:
They say she will start in July / Danielle Cohen Levy
Mothers, Three / Lahav Timor
Horribly Human / Gilad Evron
This year’s selection was dedicated to the play-writer Gilad Evron for his immense contribution to Israeli play writing.
This year, 50 plays were submitted, of which 44 fitted the brief’s criteria. A third of those plays were written by women.
The plays were read anonymously by 8 committee members and only after the selection process was over, the writers’ names were revealed.
The members of the Hebrew committee for 2018 are :
Maya Arad Yasur, Nohar Lazarovich, Oded Liphshitz, Liat Fassberg, Shay Shabtay, Gundula Schiffer and Lilach Dekel-Avneri and Zohar Wexler – the committee’s co-coordinators.