Yigael Sachs Director, Actor, Playwright

Contact: eMail

A graduate of Beit Zvi School for the Performing Arts in Ramat Gan – 1994.

Played in most of the repertory theaters in Israel, and in TV dramas and series.

From 2001 began directing theater, as an independent artist.

His first play “A Century” won “one out of six” competition playwrights sponcered by the Cameri theater and the America – Israel cultural foundation, and opened in 2007 at the Cameri Theater, directed by Avishai Milstein.

His seconed play – “In Love” was introduced in 2011 in a public reading at Habima Theater.

He is the Artistic Director of Kvutsat Avoda (Work Group) Ensemble

His Plays “Progress Report” an adaptation of “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes “Idealizm” and “Not the End of the World” were produced by “Kvutsat Avoda” Ensemble

See also

Kvutsat Avode


Not the End of the World Comedy, Comic Drama, Fantasy, Satire Subject: Human Soul, Love, Relationships, Religion and Faith, Revolutionism, Science, Stupidity | 2023 he  
Idealizm Thriller-Horror Subject: Prostitution, Hypocrisy | 2016 he  
Century Comic Drama, Drama Subject: Ethnic Groups in Israel, Family, Old Age, Settlement in Israel, Zionism | 2007 he