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Carol Moringa /Itzik Aloni

cupboardS-0 /Itzik Aloni

Danger zone /Itzik Aloni

DOD AND YOL /Itzik Aloni

Donkey stays donkey /Itzik Aloni Short Play

DROR /Itzik Aloni

Elmo and Ruth /Hanoch Levin Comedy

Elsewhere /Itzik Aloni

Embarrassed /Hanoch Levin Drama

Emperor Gok /Hanoch Levin Comic Drama

Endlessly Mourning /Hanoch Levin Drama

Enemies zon friends /Guy Baumhaker A-genre, Comedy, Experimental Theatre

Escape Room /Lior Galatziano Short Play, Comedy | 2017

Exit /Itzik Aloni

fictive /Guy Baumhaker/ Roey Maliach-Reshef Short Play, Thriller-Horror

Goes to the light /Itzik Aloni

Gong Girl /Nava Semel Musical

Good night Sruch /Roey Maliach-Reshef Comedy, Fantasy, Poetic Drama, Short Play, Tragedy

Grandpa is Dead /Noam Gil Absurd, Short Play

Hacol Agada /Uri Paster / Shuki Levi Musical

heavenly host /Uri Paster Musical

heavenly host /Uri Paster Musical

HOME-0 /Amit Zarka Short Play

If all the Lovers… /Noam Gil Short Play