“Asymptotes” is a black comedy depicting the devastating manners in which global economy dictates our lives. The play takes place in a world (not too different from ours) where people’s life expectancy is determined by the amount of money they have in their bank accounts. In an ordinary visit to the bank, the CLERK tells… Read more
After a coup, the old king is about to be replaced by a younger one. As they evaluate each other’s strengths the younger king tries to complete his last mission before taking the thorne.
When the “Happiness Squad” is about to go on a special mission to save H, the best Happiness soldier in history, Glee, the only melancholic soldier in the squad has to find out if he is capable to go on living in a world where happiness is the order of the day.
An absurd comedy for four actors set in a very financial world… The man finds out that he is suffering from TOS (Terminal Overdraft Syndrome) and is about to die. His wife, who dreams about going to Australia, manages to find a doctor who will perform an innovative money transplant and transform the man, against… Read more
In an ominous room sits a well mannered interrogator, who begins a friendly talk with a suspect about his teeth. The talk soon turns into a threatning interrogation, in which the suspect’s psychological well being is at stake.
“These Days, This Time” is a satirical political cabaret for an actor and an actress. Its title is a take off on one of Chanukah’s (a Jewish holiday) songs, named “In those days, in that time”, describing a miracle done in the far past. I changed the title in order to make explicit my intention… Read more