Worst Case Scenario – 23 Thoughts about Conflict

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A Circus Spectacle
Experimental Theatre


A show by Danielle Cohen Levy & Namer Golan
An expert juggler, an acrobat and dancer, a musician and inventor, and a brave
woman-warrior present an archive of 23 thoughts about conflict they collected over
the course of one year. Each one of these conflicts truly happened.
The show offers a unique point of view on personal and daily conflicts, touching on
various issues—whether meaningful or mundane—from the perspective of life in the
Middle East.

Premiered in Acco Fringe Festival 2015 in Israel
International premiere (in English) in Brighton Fringe Festival 2016

A show by Danielle Cohen Levy & Namer Golan | In cooperation with: Gil Lavi, Tomilio MunzStage design & customs: Daniel Blankett & Michal Fridman | Sound design: Gil LaviLighting design: Yoav Barel | Lighting adaptation: Yaniv Mayzlits | Producer: Michal Pinto| Participants: Danielle Cohen Levy, Gil Lavi, Namer Golan, Tomilio Munz 

Winning three awards in Acco Fringe Festival 2015:
Special award for a distinct artistic signature
Best lighting design
Best soundtrack design

Winner of the Best Group Creation award in the Israeli Fringe Awards 2016
Chosen to perform in Isradrama 2016, International Exposure

The characters

Female:1 Male:3 Total:4



2015 Tmoona Theatre tmuna director: Danielle Cohen Levy & Namer Golan
Production page

More in Israel


Acco Festival (Fringe) , Tmoona Theatre


  • "The most brilliant aspect of this show is the genuine way the four artists chose to show their research in a witty mix of storytelling-theatre, movement, acrobatics and marvelous music. This way they succeed in transforming banal real events into poetic and humoristic, absurd and liberating moments on stage" (Shay Bar Yaacov, Yedioth Ahronot Daily)

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