featured: The Evolution Of Sex

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In the nick of time, Yael, a promiscuous single woman, decides it’s time to have a child. She asks Guy, Adi’s husband, her best friend, to help her. Quite a task, but it’s the right time!

That same week, Adi discovered polyamory, a lifestyle that supports multiple romantic relationships at once.

“Monogamists will become extinct, to be found only in museums”, muses Benny, a stranger lurking for occasional sex at the local Gymboree class.

Is this new trend really threatening monogamy? What happens when theoretical ideas and reality meet, by chance, in a hotel room? Will the family unit survive the evolution of sex?

Packed with humor, this original romantic comedy challenges both the rule and the exception.

The characters

Female:2 Male:2 Total:4



2021 Haifa Municipal Theatre director: Alon Ophir
Production page