Present moment

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Psychological Drama
Comic Drama
Religion and Faith
A Search

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Meditation: What is really going on there? When the eyes are closed, and the legs fall asleep

A show about what happens in the feverish mind of a desperate and skeptical girl, last night

of a meditation course at a monastery in Thailand, where she must stay awake and practice meditation 24 hours a day

The play takes us into the mind of an Israeli girl who is sitting in a monastery in Thailand, on a vipassana meditation course, following a broken heart

We watch what unfolds in her mind: anger, doubts, pains and anxieties. Quite a mess

Slowly the practice puts her mind in order, phenomena appear and disappear more quickly when she learns to observe them.

As the process deepens, pain from the past emerges, memories of her father whom she lost as a child

She relives love, abandonment, anxiety, loneliness and suffering

She learns to forgive her parents, herself, those around her, takes a step towards compassion and liberation

She discovers in herself the ability to sympathize and understand the other person wherever he is and to wish for his happiness

Through it we experience the universal and personal spirituality involved in full presence

The characters

Female:1 Male:0 Total:1

Loly, 28 years old, witty, sloppy, broken hearted, cynical, hard on herself.





Mofa Theater ZOA House director: לימור נאיה זיו
Production page

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מכתב מג’יימס באראז על בזמן הווה


Mofa Theater

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בזמן הווה פלייר באנגלית


  • A small but charming fringe show...from this show you come out like after a mental Swedish's hard not to join the heroine in this journey, which confronts fears, insights, "Buddhist working assumptions", and solutions. Fascinating - both emotionally and intellectually, touches the guts gently, full of human love, modesty and self-humor. Recommended"...
    Nava Nai "City Mouse"

  • "Amusing, exciting, different, touching, and above all very real. Simply wonderful, and thank you."
    Tammy Lovitz - "Another Life."

  • "An excellent one-man show that takes us on a journey into the souls of seekers of spiritual peace... Those who have gone through the experience themselves - will identify, shed tears and smile Parents of backpackers - will peek into the world of boys and girls that is not always revealed to them, and cynics who scoff at the whole adventure - will have second thoughts.... The self-irony, the sweat, the suffering, the effort - painful, funny, touching"
    Dorit Sarid - Yedioth Ahronoth


My language teacher once told me that in Hebrew there’s no such thing as present tense. The present moment simply doesn’t exist, he had said. It's the inconceivable split-second, between past and future, and this inconceivable second, inconceivable, he said, is called intermediate time.
Well, that explains something about the Jewish karma, doesn’t it?
On the one hand we spend all this time celebrating 2000 years' worth of suffering, on the other hand we are all longing for the coming messiah, and what left in the middle? Our present moment,
Chaos, war, confusion. Nothing to write home about. – a black hole of inconceivable time that we need to sort out.

You were wrong, Daddy.
I’ve lost my confidence. I grew up sad. You were my strength. Don’t you know what kids are like? You left me yearning for a love bigger than life, and there is no such love, anywhere. I miss you. I’m always look for you, walking down your crazy paths, in places where reality is breakable, I create my one, and I don’t know who I am anymore.