Ronit Muszkatblit   Creator, Writer, Director, Artistic Director

Contact: eMail

Playwright, director, artistic director, and senior curator of the Art and Culture Department and the LABA GLOBAL fellowship program.  

She was born in Germany, grew up in Israel, lived in New York, and returned to Israel in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The play *”Say My Name”*, co-written with Elinor Milchan, premiered in 2024 at HADAVE (a performing arts center they co-founded together in Tel Aviv).  

*”Say My Name”* is an immersive theatrical production that received support from the National Lottery and the Cultural Foundation. It was praised by both the audience and the media.  


The play *”Magical Letter”*, is based on Milchan’s book and adapted by Muszkatblit, Milchan, and Ofer Amram, directed by Muszkatblit, won awards at a festival for Best Children’s Show, Best Video, and Best Set Design.


*“Matchmaker Matchmaker”* – by Ronit Muskatblit and Ensemble 2006 Post Theater, is a hybrid adaptation of *Fiddler on the Roof* + immigration monologues to Berlin.  

Berlin – Post Theater – Stadts Bank


*“Struwwel Mensch”* – by Ronit Muskatblit and Ensemble 2008,  

an adaptation of *Struwwel Peter* based on Heinrich Hoffmann’s perspective, condensed into a single play.  

Berlin – Post Theater – Schloss Solitude


*Hanna and The Moonlit Dress* – an adaptation of the original story *Hannah’s Sabbath Dress*, with new text and original songs.  

14th Street Y, Theater Row 42nd Street, Houston, Baltimore




– *Magic Letter*  

– *NAME GAME* by Yehuda Hyman and Sarah Felder, an international Zoom play, for Rep Yiddish New, in Yiddish  

– Critically acclaimed productions such as *Waiting for Godot* and *The Labor of Life* by Hanoch Levin.  

– *Hanna and the Moonlit Dress*


Ronit is a senior manager in the Culture Department and founder of the LABA fellowship program, which operates in Buenos Aires, Berlin, New York, and Oakland. She curates artists’ work, develops collaborations, and produces and directs new performances.


Graduate of the Actor’s Studio Drama School – MFA in Directing  

LA MAMA Umbria, SITI Company, Suzuki Training


The Magical Letter children Subject: Childhood, Human Soul | 2021   

* Temporary display of non-catalogued plays

Say My Name

The Magical letter

Hanna and the Moonlit Dress

Struwel Mensch