Udi Ben Seadia Director and playwright

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Studied stage direction at Tel Aviv University. His plays were staged at the Acco Theatre Festival, Tmuna Theatre, Hsimta and Ztavta Theatre in Tel Aviv. 
Ben Seadia wrote a satirical column for the national newspaper Maariv, as well as for local newspapers such as “Ha’ir” and “Hadashot”. Published short stories in the literary sections of several national newspapers – “Yediot”, “Davar”, “Al-Hamishmar” and “Maariv”. His book of short stories “Happy Holidays Mr. Nachmias” was published by Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishing Group.:


Plays are not catalogued yet

* Temporary display of non-catalogued plays

פוקס Fux – ציון לשבח. פסטיבל עכו 1984

בתחילת קיץ 1970 – עיבוד לנובלה של א.ב יהושע – פסטיבל עכו 1985

פקס קברט Fax cabaret(יחד עם רועי רשקס) – תיאטרון האסם 1992

מלך הכפר  King of the village– מונודרמה פיוטית – צוותא 2002

Ashray–  1998

 Guided Imagination 2016

 Shma–  2018

 Sdom–  2019


 Shakespeare at the Battlefield 2022

Maariv–  2024