14/48 the “world’s quickest theater project” is a speed theatre that takes place in Tel Aviv, at tzavta theatre. The project started in seattle, Wasington. in 1997
The name of the festival derives from the unique format of creating and presenting 14 world-premiere short plays over the course of two days, or 48 hours.
The first evening begins with a private meeting of the participants. The playwrights, directors, actors and producers all write ideas for themes for the following night’s plays on pieces of paper.
One theme is (literally) pulled out of a hat, and the seven playwrights turn to the task of writing a 10-minute play each on the randomly drawn theme.
Early the following morning, the seven playwrights submit their plays and in randomly assembled teams (again, drawn from a hat) the seven teams have 10 hours to rehearse
and then present those seven plays. The audience for that first evening of plays then submits ideas for themes for the following night’s plays.